Spring break was so busy that I havent updated in forever! oops. I flew home on the 12th, my parents met me in Newark with a car and I headed up to NYC to see my boyfriend I hadnt seen in 10 weeks. We visited with friends at
Kaffee 1668 where our school friend
Andrew Cherry had a gallery of his work that he designed for the coffee shop. Very cool, check them out!
Saturday-Sunday were rainy days that we spent in Cape Cod, MA. It was awful weather, and we lost power in our hotel, but we went on a fun road trip, got a driving tour of Cape Cod and enjoyed it anyways. Heres a little of what we saw...
we drove through Providence RI on the way there and Newport RI on the way back

our hotel was on this bay, which Im sure with better weather conditions looks much more appealing

we drove out to the tip of the cape to Provincetown, a very charming little town, the sand was blowing and covering the flooded roads, it was beautiful!

we had fun despite the conditions and being stuck in the car

the hurricane-like conditions made the HUGEST waves, ive never experienced such winds

saw lots of lighthouses past the fog and rain

Monday and Tuesday were spent hanging out in the city, visiting stores, and doing research. Wednesday I went home to hang out with mom, we found an Irish tea house in Bethlehem to have lunch at, very festive since it was St. Pattys day and we are Gallagher's. We even had our traditional ham, boiled cabbage and potato dinner that night.
Thursday I went into Philly for an exciting interview and to hang with friends, drink coffee, eat chocolate moose pie, and enjoy the AMAZING weather we didnt get in Cape Cod but in Rittenhouse Square.

Before I left on Saturday we enjoyed some time at Lake Galena, what a beautiful day.

Then we drove back to Newark, said our goodbyes, and I waited in a hot airport until we boarded the plane, deboarded the plane, and boarded again when they found our captain? Oh the confusion. But now I am back in Savannah, another quarter is beginning, and a big one at that! I will be doing an internship with SCAD called
Working Class Studio, finalizing my Portfolio, and learning about the architectural history of Savannah! Then this summer I have three more electives to go and I'm free! Let the craziness begin.